My friend Page introduced me to the Life Planner a couple of weeks ago when she saw one of her friend's and thought I would enjoy it. Well, she knows me well, because I soon became obsessed and had to have one.
1. It is super cute!
-- There are lots of designs to choose from. You can choose to use already made color themes or pick your own.
-- I chose the main part of my Life Planner to be my initials - who doesn't love monograms! Then I put my name in all caps below. You can do different things depending on the design you choose, and it is super easy to tell them what you want.
-- It is also a fantastic size, at 7" x 9" it can easily fit into my backpack or purse.
2. Tabs!
-- Each month begins with a stiff divider that has a calendar of the entire month and a colored TAB! Who doesn't love tabs!
-- The tabs make it super easy to flip quickly between months to look up dates or schedule appointments in advance.
-- The monthly calendar makes showing big events easy, and tabs make them easy to get to!
3. Colors!
-- Each month has a different color-scheme, often based on an appropriate event/holiday that takes place in that month.
-- The colors make the planner more festive and inviting while also making it easier to tell months apart when flipping through.
4. Weekly Spreads!
-- Each week has a two page spread with a column for each day, and each day is split up into three boxes: morning, day and night.
-- For me, these help distinguish things I have in class, work/activities in the afternoon, and things I have to do at night like homework. It also helps split up work/class/meetings, etc.
-- On the left of each week spread is a mini month calendar, a "goals" list and a "to do" list.
----- For people with motivation problems, the goals list is a great tool.
-- I plan to use the "to do" list on the side for big things that I need to get done at some point in the week.
----- For my daily to-do lists, I cut post-it notes in half. Halved post-its fit perfectly in any of the columns, so I can put my to-do list on a certain day or in the left margin, wherever it fits best at the moment.
-- It comes with a handy little spiral clip to use as a page marker. It is discrete and stylish and makes flipping straight to the current week super easy.
5. Stickers!
-- The Life Planner comes with 6 pages of stickers in the back, two pages printed with events, and four pages of blank stickers.
-- The stickers fit perfectly in the daily column.
-- All of the different colors can be used to color-code things!!! There nothing better than color-coding!!
-- Pre-printed stickers include...
----- Birthday!
----- Party!
----- Game!
----- Concert!
----- Hair Apt. @ ___
----- Doc Apt. @ ___
----- No School!
----- Mani/Pedi
----- Girls Night
----- Sale!
----- Camping
----- Wedding
----- Vacation!
----- Date Night
----- Massage
----- Babysit
6. Pockets!
-- In the back, there is a double-sided "Keep It Together" pocket page where you can easily slip receipts, notes, coupons, clippings, etc.
-- If you choose to order the matching, personalized notepads, you can store one in one of the keep it together pockets.
-- In the back is also a handy zipper pocket. It is fantastic for keeping small things, especially those that may slide out of the keep it together pocket. Because I am in love with Post-It notes, I put some in my zipper pocket for safe keeping. I also put halved post-its on the back keep it together pocket for easy access when making to-do lists.
7. Note Pages!
-- At the beginning/end of each month, there are lined pages to jot down notes (easily accessible thanks to the handy-dandy month tabs).
-- At the back of the Life Planner there are also completely blank note pages. I used the other spiral clip to mark the note pages to make access easy when jotting things down.
8. Inspirational Quotes
-- Throughout the Life Planner, there are also inspirational quotes. They appear most often at the top of note pages before each month and other dividing places.
Now, the price is a little steep. It is $50 for the Life Planner. However, when you start to think about it, the price really isn't that bad. I could easily make one myself - using photoshop or another program to create the pages, printing them, getting the cover laminated at Kinkos and getting it all bound. But it would take a lot of tie to do this, changing the colors for each month, putting in all of the right dates.
And then you have to think about how much that would would be a LOT of ink, and getting specially sized paper, and then paying for the laminating and is really more trouble than it is worth. Another thing to consider is how much typical ugly, monotone planners are at office depot. A nice one with monthly and weekly spreads that last an entire year are usually at least $25.
Fortunately, I was able to find a coupon code and get $25 off of my purchase. My total with tax and shipping was $33.27. I used the code "seeyousoon25". I'm not sure how long it will work, but you can always just google "Erin Condren Coupon Code." That's how I found it!
I'm already in love with my Life Planner, and I can't wait to start using it all the time!
You can purchase your own personalized Life Planner here.
-Soo Coco
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